MY UPCOMING ART SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have great news!!!! The next day after the wallingford show, I received a email notifying me that I've been chosen to exhbit my paintings in January 2013.
Not only did they want me to show my work but they let me know it was going to be
two man show, which means I get to show a great amount of my work. I was asked
to exhbit 14-16 pieces.
Woo hoo, my first two man show.
I'm excited and feeling validated, because its very hard to do what you love and have people get it.

Adrienne La Faye


Unknown said…
I am very proud of you and your accomplishments Ms. Adrienne. Go get your blessing it is your time. Your Art Work is amazing. Keep doing what you love because the people all around the world world should have the chance to see what beautiful paintings Adrienne Lafaye creates with colors of Love. ALA + ALA = Adrienne Love Art. Art Love Adrienne.

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