Sometimes when you win you really lose!!!!

I had a full weekend filled with ART. I went to the gallery, where I was honored to be chosen to be the "BEST IN SHOW" with my painting
titled "HIGH/DRUNK LOCKED OUT". I have to say to my disbelief I was disappointed with the venue. It seemed like they organizers didn't put any thought into displaying the artwork and the walls themselves were dirty. I was embarrassed because I had invited friends and colleagues to come and support me. I could tell everyone was surprised and shocked that there were only like 6 other paintings by other artist and you can immediately tell they were amateurs by the work that they submitted. Yes I won best in show but it was only because of the other was like winning by default. Lesson: Checkout the organization before you submit your art work because you should be proud (not only because you've won) and happy to be included in the process of showing your work, and if not, then it's not worth it.
 However I'm still honored to be recognized for my work ill regardless of the out come.
 Also I was asked to show my full 12 painting Crack series next February as a solo show. I said yes but I will pray and think about if this is the best way to go. I mean I think it would be boost for their gallery and have more people take them seriously and also I want to show my series and I have to face it so far no one is blowing up my phone asking me to do a solo show....I WILL PRAY ABOUT IT...and see what GOD says....



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