So tomorrow I'll have a booth at the Rainier Beach art walk, from 11am -3pm. Everything I've read on the Rainier Beach fb page it looks like this is going to be the best year so far. It's the third year, I've participated for last year and this will be my second year.
I had so much fun last year because I didn't expect so much feedback for my art work. It was really nice to get good and bad
On Sunday I have two show's that will be exhibiting my work  and I have to attend both...
It just so happens the first one is from 2pm-5pm, the second one is
from 5pm-8pm. The crazy thing about the timing and the day that
they both are taking place is I couldn't remember what day the exhibits were taking place. I kept hearing the same date but I thought I was forgetting the other because there wasn't a difference.
Finally I got it figured out and it's going to work out just fine because they're both are back to back. Only God could have seen this one.
Oh yeah in case you haven't heard yet....I won Best in Show with
Capitol Hill art walk association.....whoo hoo.....
Alright...I finished for tonight...
Adrienne La Faye


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