Blogging and Painting isn't easy.....

I've been dealing with the chore of blogging on a regular basis while painting and dealing with other things life throws at me. The reason I find it hard to blog because it takes me from painting. Now it may seem crazy to some that I'm complaining about the time it takes to blog, I'm not really, it's just hard to stop painting and change my thought process and think of how to write what I've been thinking in a clear way.

Actually I really don't mind it once I get started so I guess blogging in it's self isn't the problem but starting to blogging or stoping painting.

So great news I've finished painting number 5 and started painting number 6. I have maybe 4 to 6 more to do on this series.
I've also come up with a new piece I have to include and it's going to be abstract. I haven't painted an abstract in years so I'm looking forward to painting it.

All and all life is great and I get to do what I love doing everyday. Thank you God.


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