Blogging is getting easier

So today I'm sitting here because I'm understanding more each day how important blogging is to keeping traffic flowing to my website. At first when I read how important it was, I was taken back because I realized how much dedication that would require from me. I wanted to have a website and be able to go to it and basically have it maintain it self. Of course nothing maintains itself.

I'm now resigned to blogging and I'm actually enjoying it.

I'm working on painting #8 and I'm almost finished.
This is one of my best times in my life because not only do I get to do what I love but I get to chronicle what I'm doing and will always have record of what I went through and I how and what I was feeling at the time.
Just a quick note: This series I'm working on is the most fulfilling work I've ever done so far in my life so far.


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