Daily Challenges that I endure.....

Well today started off like any other day. I'm facing a new challenge today with my painting. I'm trying to finish a piece before starting another but all I can do is think about what I want to do with the piece I can't paint. Why do I have these rules that I create for myself? No one would ever know if I painted one before the other.
I'm feeling more and more the urgency to do the painting right now and then go back to the other when I feel it's the right time. I guess that's the answer. It's amazing to me how when I blog I come up with solutions on my own just because I'm writing them out. I've never thought I would profit from something so revealing and trite.

Speaking of revealing......its hard for me to write my true inner feelings because I know someone will read this one day. However the more I blog I'm opening up naturally. So I blog not only because they say it's the best thing to do for creative process but also for my website.

Adrienne La Faye


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